Call DBA Web Technologies Today

Development, COBOL, CICS, DB2, IMS, JCL

Considering that some of our clients continue to use legacy applications developed using main-frame technologies, we have a team of main-frame specialists with expertise in skills like COBOL, CICS, DB2, IMS, JCL, etc.

Who Uses Main Frames?

Just about every that has used a computer has used a mainframe computer at one time or another. People use them every day! ATMS are perfect examples of mainframes.

Why Are Main Frames are important?

Mainframes play a crucial role in the daily operations of some of the world's largest corporations. There are many other forms of computing that are used in business; however, the main frame has occupied a large role in e-business. In all types of industries, from banking, health care, government, insurance, and finance, the mainframe computer is regarded as the foundation of modern business. As of today, many businesses have upgraded mainframes to more up-to-date technology, but at DBA Web Technologies, we also offer support to businesses that have stayed with a main frame.

Mainframes are used to:
  • Perform processing on a large scale
  • Handle large bandwidth communication
  • Manage information in databases
  • Support application programs and users constantly accessing a large number of resources

We continue to support our clients who need help in maintaining old legacy applications. Our team of specialists with mastery in COBOL, CICS, DB2, IMS, JCL, etc. has been supporting our clients to address application issues onsite as well as remotely.

If you need help with your main frames, or want to upgrade, please contact our knowledgeable team today!